
Episode 4: Meetup of Confidence and Surprises

Translated by Arctic Passerine

Translation notes

[1] In Japanese, Akari suggests 王様ゲーム ("ousama game", lit. "king game"). This is a Japanese party game (often a drinking game) where, in each round, a randomly selected "king" gets to issue a dare to another participant. Dares can involve embarrassing or difficult physical acts, but can also involve divulging intimate personal information, respectively similar to both the "dare" and "truth" options in truth or dare.

While Yori was at the concert hall for the festival, Akari was attending the meetup.

Akari (as Yori)
Wow, you sure know a lot. I'm impressed!

Male Attendee
Nah, this is nothing big. I've heard that you know a lot about your own games, right, Yori? You're something of a maniac when it comes to that game you brought.

Akari (as Yori)
I'm nothing special at all. I'm learning a lot from talking to all of you!

Female Attendee
Hey, Yori! Look, I won this plushie in a raffle!

Akari (as Yori)
Wow! Adorable! What character is that?

Female Attendee
Eh, well, it's the "Great Freight"... But isn't he pretty well-known?

Akari (as Yori)
Oh, yeah, that! I just mistook it for something else. Total accident!

Man, Yori's personality sure is adaptable. I guess she's got a little devil in her after all! How formidable!

... No, more than adaptable, I'd say she's like a completely different person now.

Oh, Rin, did you just get here?

Actually, I've been here for a while, but this felt so different from last time that I just hung back and watched for a minute.

From what I've heard, Yori had a really bright and outgoing younger sister... Maybe Yoriyori pulled a bit of a switcheroo on us.

Akari (as Yori)
N-Not at all, Rin. I'm just pretty good at adapting!

Sure, sure. Don't sweat it -- I thought I'd just throw it out there.

Akari (as Yori)
(Whoa, that scared me. I was told that Rin always just takes it easy, so I didn't expect her to have such a sharp intuition.)

Akari (as Yori)
(But I feel like things have been going well. It's important to leave a good impression, even if I do come on a little strong.)

Akari (as Yori)
(My big sister's super adorable, after all. It wouldn't do for everyone not to love her!)

Akari (as Yori)
Hey, everyone! There's a game I'd like to try -- do you all want to play, too?

Male Attendee
Ooh, sounds good. I'm curious about what game you've got in mind, Yori!

Akari (as Yori)
The game I want to play is... Truth or dare! [1]

Rin & Nanaka

Female Attendee
Truth or dare is one of those games that normie extroverts play...!

Male Attendee
S-Sure, we're all game enthusiasts here, but that kind of game is a bit outside of our domain...

Akari (as Yori)
(H-Huh? I thought they'd be more excited...)

Female Attendee
And anyway, I'd like to talk more about other games with you, Yori. I'm curious to hear your opinions on that game, "Demon Apocalypse on Campus."

Male Attendee
Yeah, Yori and Nanaka both are pretty serious gamers. I wanna hear if you've got any tips for beating the extra boss in "Dark Survivor."

Akari (as Yori)
(W-What do I do... I totally don't know about any of these things...)

Akari (as Yori)
U-Um... Yeah. Yeah, it was really good! I was really moved by the, uh, stuff! And about that boss, um... I tried really hard!

Male Attendee

... Yoriyori, are you okay? You seem kinda different from before.

Female Attendee
... Are you feeling unwell?


Akari (as Yori)
(Ooh, and things were feeling so nice before, too...)

1. "Hello!"

Akari (as Yori)
B-Big brother Yuuki...!

Ah, welcome, Yuuki! You're just in time -- Yori seemed to be feeling a little unwell.

Some fresh air might do her some good, so you should take her out for a bit!

Akari (as Yori)
Um, but...

1. "We're stepping out."

Akari (as Yori)
U-Um, excuse us.

Akari (as Yori)
(Thanks, Rin, Nanaka!)


Akari (as Yori)
Ah, you really saved me... Perfect timing, Yuuuki! Um, I was really in trouble back there. Everyone had such high expectations for my big sister, and there was no way I could meet them...

Akari (as Yori)
Because of me, people will end up with the wrong idea of her! So please, help me!

1. "You should show off the side of her who's good at games."

Akari (as Yori)
If I could do that, then I wouldn't be having so much trouble! ... Huh? Use that thing? Oh, right, that might just work!


Oh, you're back. How are you feeling?

Akari (as Yori)
Yes, I'm all right now. Big bro -- I mean, Yuuki, suggested that we try playing this game. How about it?

Oh? This is that maniac card game you brought, Yori! I've actually been kiiinda curious about it!

Sounds good, sounds good. Since this is a game meetup, it'd be a shame if all we did was sit around and talk. You'll teach us how to play, right, Yoriyori?

Akari (as Yori)
Y-Yes! I'll teach you! So um, why don't we all play?

Male Attendee
S-Sure. Sounds all right...

Akari (as Yori)
(Sorry, big sis. I thought that I knew more about you than anyone, but it looks like I misread things.)

Akari (as Yori)
(You're cute, and you're reliable. But all along, you were even more of an incredible big sister than I'd thought.)

Akari (as Yori)
(So, by acting so bright and outgoing, I left out an important part of your personality...)

Akari (as Yori)
(I wanted to show off your cute appeal, but I left out something even more important that I needed to convey.)

Akari (as Yori)
(My sis may be shy, but she's kinder and more caring than anyone I know.)

Akari (as Yori)
(I won't get it wrong this time. I'll do my best to let everyone see your best qualities!)


Akari (as Yori)
All right, that's a win for me!

S-Strong... So strong! Even if you're the only one who's played this before, that was still an overwhelming win! The angels of Diabolos are real monsters!

Female Attendee
Yeah, the rules are simple enough that even a beginner should be able to win, and I was pretty close myself, but it looks like you weren't going to let that happen. You're just as skilled as I heard!

Akari (as Yori)
Hee hee, you're praising me too much.

Akari (as Yori)
(What a relief... The game I brought was the one game that I've played with my sis before, and the one game I can actually beat her in.)

Male Attendee
C'mon, let's play one more game! I feel like I'm hooked on this now.

Akari (as Yori)
Sure, I'll play as many times as you'd like. But I don't intend to lose!

Akari (as Yori)
Um... I'm sorry I had trouble conversing with you all at first. There were just so many people that I got a little nervous.

Akari (as Yori)
But I hope that you'll invite me again. I'll try even harder next time!

Male Attendee
Yeah, of course! You're always welcome!


Akari (as Yori)
Whew, I managed to scrape through... I think that was the most trouble I've ever had my life. Thanks, big brother Yuuki.

1. "I'm glad it went well."
2. "It's thanks to Rin and Nanaka."

Option 1.

Akari (as Yori)
If you hadn't showed up there, I would definitely have been done for. You really always come through!

Option 2.

Akari (as Yori)
Yeah. The two of them really covered for me. It felt like they'd realized that something was going on. They just played along without asking any questions.

Akari (as Yori)
My big sis has really made some nice friends. I'm glad that she's become a little more like me.

Akari (as Yori)
Your help was really important, but the things I remembered about my sis were just as important.

Akari (as Yori)
If not for all of that, then there's no way that the meetup would've gone well. I would've left a bad impression on everyone.

Akari (as Yori)
Whew, all this time, my big sis has always been even more amazing than I'd imagined.

Akari (as Yori)
Ahh, speaking of that, it's almost time for us to meet up with her again. Let's go, Yuuki!

Thinking of the face of her beloved sister, Akari dashed onward energetically.