Union Burst:
Vermilion Noelle
Deals extreme magical damage to the first enemy in front, and moderately increases own magical attack. The lower Iliya's HP is, the more damage is dealt.
Deals X magical damage to a single enemy
Increases own magical attack by X
Skill 1: Bat Carnival
Deals moderate magical damage to the first enemy in front. The lower Iliya's HP is, the more damage is dealt.
Deals X magical damage to a single enemy
Skill 2: Bloody Zone
Deals moderate magical damage to all enemies within a certain radius of the front, and moderately increases own magical attack, while expending 20% of own remaining HP. The lower Iliya's HP is, the more damage is dealt.
Deals X magical damage to all enemies in range
Increases own magical attack by X
Expends 20% of own remaining HP
EX skill: Contract of the Holy Night
When battle begins, moderately increases own magical attack.
EX+: Greatly increases own magical attack.
Increases own magical attack by X